Here we try to answer the most common questions about the FIOPS institute.


FIOPS was founded to create a platform for forensic specialists in the field of Physical Security.

What does FIOPS do?

FIOPS goal is to keep members knowledge up to date. There are a number of specialized workgroups like lock forensics and car forensics. FIOPS offers training and certification to each member.

FIOPS also offers Interlaboratory Testing to Forensic Police units allover the world.

What do FIOPS members do?

Fiops members conduct forensic research on anything that has to do with Physical Security.

What is the value of a FIOPS forensic report?

Reports written by FIOPS Certified Examiners guarantee extensive peer review by the members of the relevant workgroup.

FIOPS certification?

In order to become a FIOPS Certified Examiner (FX), each member has to conduct a test on four elements (for example locks) and has to get a 100% score in identifying the traces.

What can FIOPS do for me?

If you are a forensic professional or a physical security professional (Locksmith, Alarm systems installer, Insurance company, car maker…), FIOPS helps you gather with your peers, it also provides you with recognized certifications and peer review.

If you are looking for a Physical Security Forensic Examiner, FIOPS helps you find a trusted professional, reviewed by his peers, in order to get a full Forensic Report for your Insurance or to produce in Court.

What can I do for FIOPS?

Being a Non Profit Organization, FIOPS needs its members to make it exist. You can give a talk at a FIOPS conference, you can bring books and journals for the library, you can supply security systems or forensic equipments. And you can do so much more for your FIOPS!